Community connection in the heart of Forestville for many years to come

The Heart of Forestville is a new beginning for the Forestville RSL club — a much-loved place of community spirit and connection for 66 years.

With a commitment to fostering community connection in the heart of Forestville for many years to come, the Forestville RSL Club Board and Management are currently actively pursuing plans to ensure the longevity and continued success of the Club.

Future planning for sustainability

A redevelopment strategy has been developed to future-proof the financial security of the club while respecting our legacy. This includes the redevelopment of brand-new club facilities and the development of a boutique retirement living community with significant open space and landscaped areas as a link to the natural bushland around the club.

As part of the redevelopment strategy, the club are committed to ensuring that the existing club facilities will continue to operate right up until the new club is opened to ensure its members and their guests are able to continue enjoying the clubs facilities.

From Humble Beginnings

On the 29 March 1954, 13 local community members and prospective members attended the first recorded meeting of the Forestville RSL Sub-branch.

Keeping you up-to-date

To ensure Forestville RSL Club members, guests and local community remain abreast of the proposed redevelopment and are well informed of progress as it occurs, the Club have created this dedicated website as a central source of information on the proposed redevelopment of the Club.

Over the coming months the Forestville RSL Club is committed to continuing to update members and the local community with regular news posts and updates and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions they can assist with.

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